Personal & Academic

1. Birthwork is very deep emotionally and personal. I often absorb trauma, stress, and my clients emotions. Its important to give myself grace during these challenging times. Learning how to nurture and care for myself has been a journey, years in the making. And one that I will contunue to strive for myself and my family.
2. Setting bounderies with myself and learning when its too much for me. Learning to take a step back and know when I've chewedoff more than I can chew. Juggling my own birthwork practice, being a mom, and going to school can take a toll on anyone.
3.Taking my time. It's hard to not compare myself to others and what they may be accomplishing. I can be very hard on mysel to push through. Im learning to be ok that it may take me a bit longer to finish school, and thats ok.

1. After attending one full term it has helped me figure out how to manage my course load. When I first started I was up doing homework until the morning hours. This is not sustainable for someone like me. I was depleting myself and my capabilities. Now I have set hours and when I'm done the computer closes to give my eyes and mind a break.
2. Asking for help! I have been so blessed by having a great group of classmates who are always willing to help and answer questions. Because we are spread all over the country there's always someone awake to lend a hand or offer support for hard days.
3. Slow and steady still wins the race. This has been harder on me than I realized. I have to remind myself that it's not how fast I finish, its that I finish with my health and sanity. I need to be healthy for me, my family and my community.

1. Part of what I'm doing now, is preparing myself to shift my focus for when I start my preceptorship. This may minimize how my practice has been running for the last decade. Reaching out to my community to see where I can fill in the spots to still serve families. I'm a firm believer in ancestral village support. We were not meant to do everything by ourselves.
2. Starting school in the the Summer of 2023, has taught me that organization is key to keeping things running smoothly. Having designated days and times that I focus on school or work and also family time. And beacuse I can be so hard on myself having some flexibility for those days that just dont go as planned.
3.Maintaining my community space is extremely important. We have created a safe space for our BIPOC community to come gather, learn, thrive and hold space for challenging times. It has turned into somethingI would have never imagined.

MCU's Program
“The MCU undergraduate program offers a Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM) degree. The BSM program provides a general education and prepares graduates to become a knowledgeable, skilled and independent Certified Professional Midwife who specializes in community birth settings. BSM graduates will have knowledge of and proficiency in MEAC’s Curriculum Checklist of Essential Competencies, which includes the internationally recognized core competencies and guiding principles set forth by the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) in addition to requirements for national certification of the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) and the core competencies of Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA). MEAC’s accreditation criteria for midwifery education programs reflect the unique components and philosophy of the Midwives Model of Care.”
To read more on MCU's Undergrad Goals click HERE.